david obyrne’s


welcome to my botnet

In Vivo Neurobiological Effects of MindVox: a Short Story

back in i dunno 88 or sumfn i met this skinny littl nigga had to be 130 lbs but nigga wuz like 6’3 n he had his pops workd at nationl ctr 4 atmospheric rsearch n we can dl 0day old warez on a cray super computr n i was like aight but where da weed at n this lil nigga had heroin so we just kicked it at a pizza shop and bangd baggies all day in the lower east side. i shoulda fukn checked out that super computer warez if i culd do it all over agian. sheeeeeiiiitt.

Hi! I’m Jane

Lorem ipsum and shit amirite holy crap ok i need hases broooooo. gimme them hashes n warez n dtmf codez n tfiles with *nigger*.txt headerz n phreak boxes and ghetto.org logs.


 WAREZ ARABGATE BITCH! الصفحة الرئيسية لشبكة بوابة العرب

شبكة بوابة العرب هي منشأة رسمية سعودية تأسست عام 2000م ومرخصة من الجهات الرسمية في المملكة العربية السعودية لإستضافة وتصميم مواقع الإنترنت وتأجير الخوادم وتسجيل النطاقات بموجب السجل التجاري رقم 1010214366 ومقرها بمدينة الرياض. تعمل شبكة بوابة العرب على مدار 24 ساعة يومياً عبر نظام التذاكر بقسم الدعم الفني

نتعهد بإرجاع المبلغ الذي دفعته لإستضافة موقعك إذا لم نلتزم بما هو مكتوب وموضح في عروضنا وخدماتنا ،هذا ليس فقط مطبق أول 30 يوم كما تتبعه بعض شركات الإستضافة بل نطبقه في شبكة بوابة العرب طوال مدة إستضافة موقعك لدينا ، فنحن واثقون من خدماتنا

It's Never Too Early To Start!


Peace of Mind

1. After installation of Photoshop CS
The activation screen will come up (see image1) click the button “Other Activation Options”
2. Click “By Telephone via the Automated Software Activation System Button” (image2) Click “Next”
3. Use adobe_cs_keygen.exe to authorize photoshop by typing in the
Activation Number into the keygen including the – EX: 2687-8991-0615-5662-9521-1192-7775
Click “Generate” and you will have your authorization code. (image3)
4. enjoy!


starting at

a fucking bitcoin

Every Step of the Way


AAC/MP4 AudioCoding.com Advanced Audio Coding
AAC/MP4 PsyTEL Advanced Audio Coding
APE Monkey\\\’s Audio Lossless Compression
ASF/WMA Microsoft Windows Media Audio 9 Lossy/Lossless
FLA (FLAC) Free Lossless Audio Codec
PAC (LPAC) Lossless Predictive Audio Compression
MP3 Lame MPEG-1 Layer-3
MPC MusePack
OFR OptimFROG Lossless Audio Coder
RM/RA RealNetworks RealMedia/RealAudio
SHN SoftSound Shorten Lossless Compression
SPX (Speex) Open Source Audio Compression For Speech
WV WavPack Hybrid Lossless Compression
MP3pro encoder/decoder

starting at


All the Way down


In Vivo Neurobiological Effects of MindVox: a Short Story

I’m Really Good at Dealing with Highly Unstable People

This Schism Contains: Recombinant, Cross-Connected, Fully Intersected Spirals

I’m Gonna Kick Tomorrow

MindVox Proudly Welcomes: Doctors on Drugs!

Vote for ME! My Face is New, my License Expired, I’m on Drugs & Under a Doctor’s Care!

DSSKCORP.com is one of the most poorly designed websites I’ve ever seen



starting at


Recent 0day


cant sell a dream lookin;n like a nightmare

we need to have a talk about how we got here. before we do that, take a look at how far weve come. think about it. you should really feel great about how much you have achived. seriously, take a minute and really soak in all these serialz.

im really banking on the fact these fucking saudis open an account and we can once and for all be the quintessential farsi speaking souce for H/P progz.

fuck the box.sk niggas. 

blue box moon (blueboxmoon) was a fantastic website and if anyone knows who used to run it, if you could have that dude send me a .zip of the old site, i would love to host it. i found him once on twitter but he ignored me.

It’s Going to be Perfect!

these keygens fkn pay for themself